The pet friendly craft brewery, teams up with Monika’s Doggie Rescue. Putting adoptable dogs on cases of beer.

This June, we have decided to team up with Monika’s DoggieRescue to help raise awareness and directly support their dogs in more ways than one. Staying true to our company philosophy, “Drink Good, Do Good'', we have created a run of 400 stickers, showing the faces of four different dogs currently up for adoption and will be sticking them on all our products that go out the door. In addition to this, 7th Day Brewery has donated a prize valued at $180 as an auction prize for their Facebook auction event in June. This initiative is to help raise awareness to these dogs that need to go to a fulltime home, and help the great staff at the doggie rescue attend to all the other dogs they so lovingly help everyday . The stickers consist of images of the different dogs up for adoption in the centre, their real names and the contact info for Monika’s DoggieRescue. Hopefully with the spread of these stickers and the help from the community, we’re able to find homes for these pups that are so desperately needed.

Monika’s DoggieRescue is home to almost 100 dogs, 20+ cats and 6 rabbits. Saving animals from death row in the pounds of NSW, they receive no government support and are a no kill facility. This means they put no time limit on the animals, they can live with them for as long as they need and as they often take the harder to handle cases (those who are ill, injured or have been mistreated and as a result distrust humans) the animals can stay with them until they are ready and they can find them their perfect home.

In 2020 they were unable to participate in face to face events and their fundraising was deeply affected, as a result they pivoted to Facebook Auctions. Monika’s DoggieRescue hosted three auctions and raised nearly $14,000 for the shelter. This money was desperately needed and this year they have decided to host two auctions amongst the face to face events they are now allowed to attend again. These auctions will take place in June and December.

7th Day Brewery has been welcoming dogs into the venue since the doors were opened back in October 2018. Listed on Pupsy site (The dog friendly venues) and selling doggie treats from ‘Modern dog emporium’ over the bar, we love to see our Brewery taproom filled with our local customers and their furry friends. We also have an instagram highlight reel dedicated to the furry faces that we see week in week out.

Before COVID-19 hit in March in 2020, early February saw us host a dog friendly event with a production team filming a canine cast of about 30 dogs and their owners, promoting the Modern Dog Emporium ‘Hotel Hound Stix’ at 7th Day Brewery.


7th Day Brewery